Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Working on remounting a Synnove Anker Aurdal tapestry, "Byrakrater (bureaucrats) for Trondheim Kunstindustri Museum.

Ragnhild Monsen - SAA tapestry remount

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exhibition Sandefjord Kunstforening

Ragnhild is coming with a solo exhibition to

Sandefjord Kunstforening

from 12 February – 20 March  2011

(Sandefjord Kunstforening is at the side of the Rica Parc Hotel, Sandefjord as shown below)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

check out the video excerpts

Here's one…this is done with textile and lighting/camera effects (before the days of cgi!)


You can see some more at this link http://www.ragnhild-monsen.com/video.html

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Level GCE reference artist

Amazing what you find when you use search engines. It was interesting to find that in the UK GCE Advanced Level examinations in 2007 for Art and Design that Ragnhild Monsen was one of the referenced artists to study. Here's the clip from the examination assignment documents:


textile art website now online

in a further expansion of internet coverage the artist has purchased the domain  textile-art.org and the website is now online


Sunday, May 30, 2010

New website - with multimedia - now online

I'm thrilled to inform you that a new designed website is now online

to visit just click the main website link on the taskbar above

Friday, May 28, 2010


Size:  2.40  x  3.00 M

born  (taken from the loom),   15 April 2010



Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Online (Flash) Gallery

A new online gallery (Flash) with a sample of Ragnhild's work can be found HERE

Depending on your internet connection speed it may take a few minutes to load

